When you fit bulbs onto lamp-posts along the vast stretches of an express way, the way to get the job done quick and fast is one after the other. The bulky crane-like contraption of a vehicle lumbers along as if nodding in agreement. Hardly something to think about in this set procedure. Indisputably efficient and alarmingly ineffective. Why so? Read on. The efficiency and effectiveness motif is well-recognized by most in business and social enterprises. Peter Drucker laid it out for us. Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. He then admonishes us by saying “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all ” Effectiveness is the real deal. When the bulbs are fitted in a row, they start with the same shelf-life. They will blow out at more or less the same time, and plunge that patch of road into dangerous darkness for fast-moving traffic. The focus on effectiveness here leads us to the question, “What is the purpose of setting up these lamp-posts? What is the right thing to do in going…
Using Plato’s wisdom to recruit
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. – Plato Is it such a preposterous idea to arrange a game of sport for fresh recruits? Especially in college campuses where there are grounds available. Of course, not. A carefully chosen sport easy for anyone to play, difficult for the solitary star to win all alone, and requiring total team participation at all times. When we play, we cannot but be our true selves. And here for the HR recruiter, the wisdom of another age-old saying is a very good parameter to go by – “And it does not matter whether you win or lose, but how you play the game” And God help the ‘smart’ recruiter who goes about publicizing that! How many companies make the effort to get it right the first time? From the immune system in our body to the immigration counter at the airport, we can learn how critical it is to allow only the positive, healthy entity to get inside. Once they get in, it…
When the employee simply doesn’t get it!
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it. – Upton Sinclair A classic instance is company exhortation to the employee to share his know-how. You are touted to be a manager-in-the making, a leader of men, a generous star-performer, a team member to the core and what not. Come the next downturn, the insecure employee traces his vulnerability to his giving ways. And when the lay-off happens, in his mind, he contributed to his own redundancy by sharing his knowledge about the task. He is scarred by the interpretation of his experience. Another instance, a senior executive asks who is willing to take charge of the critical project or assignment. Why does no hand go up? Can they not understand the rich rewards that await success? But, what does the job depend on? The job depends on not taking risks! Companies are dimly aware of how they have set it all up. In a game perceived to be zero-sum, the employee will drag his feet from creating the perfect job…
Traffic woes & Organizational response
Traffic congestion is assuming nightmarish proportions in all big cities. And yet, how many organizations believe it is a crucial part of the ecosystem in which they function? And how many reconfigure how they work in response? Adaptive companies see an opportunity to redesign work – flow, demonstrate faith in the work force by creatively exploring flexible work-practices. Staggered work timings, Work-from-home, Virtual collaboration are just a few. The shift occurs when you look at the challenge in terms of effectiveness rather than mere efficiency. When you are effective, you ask, ‘ What are the right things to do in the face of such traffic woes that dent employee energies by the time they reach the workplace?’ Efficient ones will ask, How can we do the usual right? ‘ The usual means – getting employees to be on time at the designated work hour. What holds leaders & decision-makers back? Familiar reasons – Loss of control & predictability. The Routine is so comforting! And yet, so much is possible if only we are willing to cast aside the routine. It…
Stranded in a sector?
Quite a few people experience being stuck in their jobs, especially their sectors. Dissatisfied at work, they bide their time for years. They shun jobs within the sector, as they want to make the switch. As time goes by, they are frustrated waiting for that one elusive call from a recruiter looking to place them in a different sector. And when that call comes, it admittedly looks a little too average, too common-place. It is an unexceptional job on all counts. The only thing it has going for it is your sector-switch. Let us say, you are marooned on an island for years. You are self-sufficient on the island replete with all the resources a human needs to survive. But you pine for human company, to rejoin civilization. You never sight any ship after countless hours of keeping watch. You languish on this island for years. Survival on the island is not at all a challenge, getting out is. One day, a small, worn-out but sea-worthy boat miraculously kisses the shore of your island. An uncouth fisherman is barely civil…
Why communication skills training is so much more than just working with individuals?
What is effortless for us to initiate takes concerted effort to do well. Take breathing & sitting. We breathe on autopilot. Hardly think about it. It barely registers how we sit. We slump into perceived comfort which is anything but that. We all know that there is a mindful breathing practise that makes us breathe better among other things. We all know our spinal health depends on a healthy sitting posture. We never get down to doing both unless we suffer some pain. Is communicating any different? We all can talk & hear wilfully; to fill the silence. And lo & behold, we are all communicators; so we think! The results do not deliver what we communicated for. This is especially true in organizations. Information is the currency of organizational transactions. Is there any other? When people envision & share, plan & co-ordinate, market & sell, organize & implement; they are always communicating information in some form or the other. Due to its all-pervasive nature, organizations rarely disown communication skills as a learning need. They attribute most problems to lack…
What is a juggler doing?
When people reach out for a metaphor to explain how they are multi-tasking, the one that most easily springs to mind is a juggler continuously catching & tossing multiple objects in the air. The juggler is juggling. No doubt about it. Is the juggler multi-tasking? If the multiple objects vary, does it become a multi-task? If the objects differ in shape, size or colour; do they create multiple tasks; a discrete activity in a class of its own ? A task so considered requires its own deliberate attention & specific action. If the juggler is cycling & juggling at the same time, it is definitely multitasking. If the juggler is running & juggling at the same time, it is definitely multitasking. When a juggler juggles multiple objects, it is not multi-tasking. The task is singular.
Uncovering Process in Cricket. Uncovering Process in Organizations.
When we witness a cricket match, what is visible to us is the real action. We see batsmen bat, bowlers bowl, and fielders field. In a mammoth run chase featuring a match-winning partnership, batsmen pace their innings, calculate wickets in hand, keep the required run-rate under control, and score big at the right times. In the post-match interview, the winning batting pair reveal how they went about it. The say, “We broke up the 300 run target into multiples of 50. We will score 50 runs six times is what we told each other. We decided to play out the main strike bowler without taking risks. We created these 50 run milestones, quietly celebrated them and refocused ourselves for the next 50. This kept us going and when the win was guaranteed, we got a bit careless and got out. The others came in and finished off the game” What did we see? We saw runs being scored. We saw the powerful hitting, the fours and the sixes. But there is no way we ‘saw’ how they really did it.…
The size of a newspaper reveals news like no other!
Do you ever wonder how the standard newspaper size came to be? Freek Vermeulen, author of “Business Exposed:The naked truth about what really goes on in the world of business”,asked this question at Guardian, UK’s premier newspaper company. Curiously enough, nobody seemed to know. He continued to ask anybody and everybody in the newsprint industry and nobody had a clue! Britain has a well-preserved history.Freek dug into archives at public libraries. After combing through the pages of history, he came up with a stunning answer! In 1712,a taxation law was introduced to tax newspapers based on the number of pages they carried.Newspaper wanted to pack more info in less pages.And thus the standard newspaper size was born! This tax law was abolished in 1855. And yet, for more than 300 years now, the standard newspaper size has remained the same! Customers did like a smaller format: more convenient to hold and carry.Rarely have they been asked & though there have been instances of newpapers trying out smaller formats, the standard size rules! This size is also more expensive to produce…
What Google’s doodles teach us?
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. In the main, Google commemorates landmark events, festivals, achievements,icons in the form of doodles on its home page. Thoughfully suited to region and country sometimes. What is significant is that Google makes it a point to feature doodles on achievements and achievers that are relatively obscure or distant for a world used to consume todays information yesterday. Scientists, astronomers, artists are prominent in the selection. And more often than not, the ones featured are those whose pioneering contributions of great historical, scientific, and cultural importance have led to the breakthroughs we may know of. These people are the giants on whose shoulders the famous and well-known achievers have stood. In doing this, Google does not just organize the world’s information, but digs up gems long buried under the sands of time. This is thinking beyond eyeballs and click-throughs. This is putting your hand-up, and taking a stand saying , ” We believe this is significant, worth-knowing, and appreciating. This has enriched our world in ways…